Welcome to my little slice of the web. It’s very much a work in progress, but feel free to have a poke around.
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Little handy scripts in my Github.
Having spent years borrowing bits of script from various places around the web I felt it was time to give back, just a tiny bit. Therefore I’ve started thowing a few up on GitHub to give a bit back for other people to borrow and continue the cycle.
Generally the scripts are small, just a function or two and exist to do something useful for system administrators. They’re not perfect, these are written to perform a task, usually in a bit of a hurry, and once they’re working there is not a lot of need to optimize.
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Back In The Saddle Again
Just got the blog up and running, and my laptop died. Been busy and l only just replaced it, so restarting this again and I may even add content this time.
I may even write about the laptop and my adventures in Macbook land.
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